If one sees himself carrying a glass of water, then if the glass falls and breaks, while the water remains in his hand in the dream, it means that his wife may die soon after giving birth to a new son.... If we are inside the wall, then it means we are protected and isolated from external danger.... If cows are fat and shiny, then it signifies wealth and prosperity.... If you see the sign of no u-turn in a dream, then it means you have made some decisions that cannot be changed as there is no way back.... If we seeing us well shod, then it is equivalent to feel free.... If the nakedness makes us uncomfortable then it reflects hopelessness, an impotence we experiment, socially or professionally.... If the wall plummets when we lean on it, then it indicates that we have little confidence in our protections.... If you feel heat in a dream, then such dream shows the guilt and humiliation.... If everyone drinks from it in the dream, then it means a plague....
If the amulet or the talisman carries a personal spell or wish, then it is nothing but lies, falsehood, affectation and hypocrisy.... Seeing God’s prophet Joseph in a dream also means acquiring knowledge about dream interpretation, or catching one’s enemy, then forgiving him, or digging a river, a water irrigation, or transporting dead people from one country to another.... If the color of his skin is yellow, then it relates to his galls.... Dreaming with silkworms may mean that you’ll get a very advantageous job, but if the worm is dead, then it’s quite the opposite.... If the person is seeking knowledge, then knowledge will be given to him, for it is during this great month that the Holy Qur’an was revealed.... If one is experiencing such adverse conditions in wakefulness, then seeing a fledgling crow in a dream means satisfaction of one’s needs and reunion with his family.... If one intends to bank something with someone as a trust or to confide a secret with someone, then if he witnesses a case of castration in a dream, he should immediately halt that intention, or cancel such arrangement.... If one follows the deceased person and does not enter such a house in the dream, it means that he will near his death, then recuperate from his illness.... Since molds are containers, then he represents a man of knowledge who understands and protects people’s secrets....
If the dreamer sees his own chest, then it is a symbol of health and strength.... If it’s stained, dirty or wrinkled, then that means problems and complications that could have been avoided await us.... When you are planting the lettuce in a dream, then it means you will be the cause of your illnesses.... If you are the victim, then it symbolizes guilt so it would be worthwhile to analyze where this guilt come from.... And if you are the one who inspects others in the dream, then this indicates a feeling of superiority and desire to dominate the situations around you.... Authors believe that if we dream of a pearl necklace breaking, or that we have difficulties to string them in and they fall, then it’s an omen of loss or reflection of our fear of not achieving our innermost desires.... If you dream of something being very heavy, then such dream represents the duties, commitments and obligations the one have.... If you bought the lettuce n a dream, then it means you will suffer the disappointments at things you are doing.... On the other hand, if such electricity produces unpleasant shocks, then this dream suggests the opposite....
If climbing a mountain with difficulty means distress, then descending it in a dream means relief.... If the girl keeps on weaving, then when she finishes her work she unravels the fabric in the dream, it means God’s wrath, afflictions, or destruction.... If you ate the lettuce, then such dream warns you of the dishonest behavior from the significant other.... If we see it flying, then it is a very good omen.... If you dream of the tower, then such dream indicates the high expectations you have set for yourself.... If you were shaking in a dream, then such dream shows the apprehension and fright you have about something.... If someone gave you a slap in a dream, then it means that you feel neglected and not taken for granted by someone.... If you saw or talked to the spirits in your dream, then such dream could indicate what you are afraid of.... If you were in tears while dreaming, then such dream denotes to the recovering process that is happening in your life.... When you hear the voice because of the intercom, then it indicates the subliminal mind of yours and what it has to say to you.... However, if the blood is spilled on the floor, then it may mean the death of either the son or the relative.... If one shares his meal in a dream, it means that he will meet new friends and enjoy their company, then a conflict will rise concerning his livelihood and earnings.... If he takes nothing from one’s house, then it denotes a passing ailment.... If the second tongue does not impede the person from speaking in the dream, then it denotes his truthfulness, love and affection toward others.... If you dream of seeing or using the heater in a dream, then such dream indicates the affection, love and comfort you are looking for.... If the shield is worthless in the dream, then it means the opposite.... (Aroma | Perfume | Stigma) In a dream, If dried saffron does not stain the skin or a gown, then it represents lauding someone, commending him, or speaking good of someone.... If a woman sees herself wearing a waistband, then it represents her brother, brother in-law, or father in-law.... If such fish with a human face look beautiful, then one’s companions are good.... If one sees his town flooded with blood in a dream, then it represents God’s wrath and punishment for people’s sins.... If the shirt is spotted with blood in the dream, then it means separation and imprisonment.... If you dreamed of seeing a spire, then such dream shows the expectations, tasks and targets the one has set for himself.... If you used the tourniquet in a dream, then it indicates your flexibility to adapt in different atmospheres.... Otherwise, if the fish look ugly in the dream, then it means that he has associated himself with evil companions.... Otherwise, if a poor person, or a blind person braids his or her hair in a dream, then it means complications and difficulties, and particularly when they are accustomed to doing so.... If it is a male hyena in the dream, then it represents a criminal and a despised person.... If its color does stain the skin or one’s gown in the dream, then it represents an illness.... However, if one sees himself debilitated or emaciated in the dream, then it means weakness in his faith, failure to properly observe his religious obligations, or it could mean sterility, impotence, or sorrow and distress.... If it is a wooden column in the dream, then it represents a hypocrite.... If the tablecloth is white and beautiful and it’s on the table, then that announces prosperity to the house.... If the dream occurs after your holidays, then it shows how much you’ve missed it.... If in the dream we find that the curfew is imposed on us, then it usually means that there will be sudden events that will impose prudence, and quite possibly serious problems that will upset everyday activities.... If you are working angrily in your dream, then it shows that you are dealing with unpleasant situation in your life....